Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Blog

Well with the tour starting up again Timothy has written a short note to all his fans on twitter. Check it out!


Marc McFall said...

My best friend John and I are attending the Indianapolis concert on the 12th. We are both Eagles in the Boy Scouts. It is the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouting and millions of Eagle Scouts too. We are Old Eagles in our 50's and would love a "shout out" for Scouting's Eagles!

Marc McFall

Marc McFall said...

Come say Hi to 2 of your biggest fans all these years. We'll be in the first row of the club seats.... seats 9 and 10 almost center. We are both Eagles ourselves, involved with the Boy Scouts. Just ask for Marc and John.

Marc McFall

Marc McFall said...

The Boy Scouts say: "Eagles Rule!"

Marc McFall